Governance Of The Foundation & The School
The governing bodies consist of:
- The Court of Governors which comprises Life Governors being those persons who make a one off donation in excess of £1,000 or Governors who make a declared annual subscription of in excess of £25 to the Foundation. Such persons hold office for a period of one year following their most recent subscription or until their earlier resignation. The Court of Governors, which meets annually, appoints the Board of Management and the Council.
- The Board of Management which at at 31 August 2022 comprised two principal offices and nine ordinary members. It is the Board of Management which has responsibility for the general control and management of the administration of the Foundation and its members have, therefore, the duties of charity trustees. The Board of Management meets at least termly.
- The Council which acts in an advisory capacity to both the Court and the Board of Management and comprises persons with a broad range of expertise and distinguished in their field. The Council meets annually.
- The Governing Body which is the body responsible for the educational management of the School in accordance with the requirements of the various Education Acts. The Governing Body has delegated authority from the Board of Management regarding management of the boarding facilities and pastoral care.
You can find out more about the Trustees of the Foundation here.

The Royal Alexandra & Albert School
The school can trace its origins back to 1758 when a group of city gentlemen met and decided to collect up enough money to create a boarding school for twenty orphan boys. This opened in 1760 and twenty girls joined the School a couple of years later.
Gatton Park with its three lakes, serpentine and 260 acres of parkland provides the ideal setting for our school. Our purpose-built classrooms provide first class facilities for study. Purpose-build boarding houses provide comfortable, modern accommodation for Primary, Lower Secondary, and upper Secondary pupils.
Predominantly a boarding school, we provide continuity of education from seven to eighteen years. Unusually, we are able to provide the very best of boarding education at reasonable fees. As a state school, we are only able to admit children who are UK citizens or have the right to reside in the UK.
Aged 7-18
1120 pupils
480 boarders
102 funded